Thursday, April 12, 2007


This is a two-fer post, as in two-fer-one. Actually, the truth is this:

Confession: I didn't post last night because I was very disappointed in myself yesterday. I ate poorly, and too much, I didn't get up for my morning quiet time (still had a headache), but I did read two chapters in my book. Ironically what hit me the most yesterday was this whole chapter on shame and how not good it is if we don't let it go - and then I was too ashamed of myself to post! No clutter control, no exercise, no nothin'. So, there you go, that's yesterday.

On to today.......

Consumption: 1 vanilla TAMRS w/banana & frozen cherries, 1 cran-grape blast XS, 1 HEB water, about 20 oz "plain" water, Wings N More for lunch (chicken tenders basket - ate all the chicken, most of the garlic toast, and a few fries), McDonald's Big n Tasty burger and a medium fry (I'm aware that is horrible for me, but I was tired and I really wanted a burger and I am out of the frozen HEB burgers I usually keep in the fridge.)

Exercise: Walked 3 (I think) laps at the mall with my friend Kara!

Clutter Control: not so much

Spiritual Development: Slept right through the alarms and my morning call from Irene today. I'm really struggling with that. At 6:00 I was awake, but I knew I didn't "have" to get up until 6:30 at the latest so I just laid there and then I fell so sound asleep that I overslept until 7:45!!! I couldn't believe my kids slept that late! I feel like I am having a hard time shifting my natural body clock to the earlier to bed, early to rise approach I'm aiming for. Pray for me about that. I know that if would just get up the first time I find myself awake (6:00 today) I would be just fine, it's that little voice saying, "Come on, you can get 30 more minutes (or 5 or 10) and still get it all in" that is winning at the moment. That voice needs to loose.


jenny said...

I'm just checking in with you again. Things can get very discouraging, especially when you have a headache. It's the brain fog that takes over all aspects of you. But for the most part, you're still doing great! You gotta keep on trying, and today looks better than before. :-)

erin said...

Way to go on the exercise! That's what I have a hard time getting in. You're doing great, Sarah.

debralynne said...

Hang in there! We'll have good days and bad days, but we just need to put the bad ones behind us and not let the devil keep throwing it up in our face. Keep up the good work! Love ya.