Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Sorry I didn't get this up last night, I've been fighting a lot of headaches, or possibly just one that won't really go away. Anyway, I was hurting' last night so I just went to bed.

Consumption: 1 Tropical Blast XS, 1 HEB water, 1 milk chocolate TAMRS w/peanut butter & banana, 1 turkey sandwich, handful sour cream & onion chips, 2 peanut butter cookies, 1 bowl pasta with chicken Alfredo, 1 cashew (Paris found it in the bowl of mixed nuts and gave it to me - she knows they're my favorite!), 1 blueberry mini-muffin, 1 bowl frosted shredded wheat w/ vanilla soy milk

Exercise: no

Clutter Control: cleaned up Paris' room!!!! For those of you who have been here recently you know what a feat that was. It looks like a different place! 1 load of dishes.

Spiritual Development: Quiet time at 6:45 - Psalm 5 (I was finishing this one - I started it Friday and was interrupted by my early rising children). Also read in the two chapters in the Shelia Walsh book during "rest time." Nothing earth shattering today, but this one quote has stuck in my head. "God wants my heart, not my schedule." Another that I thought was good is this, "Self-preservation is not a fruit of the Spirit." Implicit in both of these is the requirement that we be vulnerable before God. To pretend we are anything else is useless to both Him and us.

1 comment:

Nellie said...

I really like the "God wants my heart, not my schedule." If he has my heart then I don't need to worry about the schedule. :)

I will encourage Paris to help keep her room cleaned up, or at the least in some fashion of order. Looking forward to having some time with the Precious Princess tomorrow.

You are to be commended for your discipline in keeping your blog current and for not being afraid to be so vulnerable. I love you. You are my first Precious Princess!!