Monday, February 25, 2008

Refueled and Catching Up

I know it's been way too long since I posted. Forgive me. I've been a bit busy adjusting to our new routines and trying to get caught up on things around here. We've been fighting off sickness and well, truth is, I've been in a writing funk. I'm ready to get through it though so I figured this was the best place to start.

My last post expressed how I was feeling before I went to the National WOF conference. Let me just say that God is good and God is faithful. I came back from that weekend ready to get moving on all fronts. I heard countless speakers - all of which had some nugget of truth that encouraged and inspired me- and was uplifted by some tremendous musical talent. I think that best part for me was being refilled with love - in particular, love for my Smooch! When I left town my prayer was that I could get some rest, both physical and mental, and that I could come back home with a more positive attitude towards my sweet hubby. I have to say that really none of the speakers spoke to this particular need. But God is so faithful. Somewhere in the midst of being encouraged in this journey with Tripp and inspired to move forward in this writing/teaching path, I was completey filled with the realization that my husband is a gift from God. (It helps that at one point when I called to check in he was cleaning the microwave! And no, he hadn't made a mess in it, he was just cleaning it because it needed cleaning.) I left my pity party behind and came home so grateful and happy to have such a wonderful man leading my family. He is a gift and I cherish him daily.

So, what have I accomplished since I got back? Not enough, but I'm making progress. Here's the bullet update:

Excercise: not happening

Food: It was bad for a while before I left, but is definitely getting better. We have made the gluten free tansition at home. I think I just need to make that a complete mental shift for those times when I'm out running around -boils down to NO MORE FAST FOOD!

Writing/Teaching: I taught another Wednesday night class last week. I was a bit frenzied from the day's schedule so I thought the lesson came out disjointed. I received a lot of positive feedback though so I'm marking it up - as always - to God doing His work despite me! I'm scheduled to teach two lessons for morning ladies' class in March so I need to get going preparing for those. I also had a friend ask me if she could give my name to a church looking for someone to speak for a weekend retreat. I told her, "I'm supposed to say yes even though that scares me." Don't know if that will turn into anything, but even agreeing to let my name get thrown in the pile is an accomplishment to me.

Clutter Control: Finally making some progress here. I actually got in Paris' room with her yesterday and cleaned it up! Seriously, that hasn't happened since Christmas! I was very proud of her - she chose lots of things that should just get thrown out, given to Vivie, and even a whole bin of stuff to garage sale! There were a few tears, but overall it was a great success. I've also cleaned out her closet as well as Vivie's closet. I've been through all the 24M/2T clothes and have them ready for Spring/Summer. I even got the stuff they've outgrown sorted and bagged for either garage sale, save for later, and give to Lindsay (a friend that I send our "pass arounds" to). Now I need to find a way to get some furniture painted so I can get the craft stuff organized.

So, there you have it folks. I have been refueled by my Father and am catching up on things around here. This Temple Remodel feels like it's been on hold for a while, but I think the real truth is that God's been working on some inner rooms while the exterior took a break. His work is always more beautiful than mine so even though I've felt frustrated I realize that the "end product" will be more than I can imagine because I'm letting him guide the process. Have a good week and don't forget to let God be your Project Manager!


Perks said...

I love to read about husbands that help! Doesn't it make you that much more grateful when they do things without having to be asked?!! Count your blessings, girl! We have some great husbands!

erin said...

I'm glad you reminded me about your lesson last Wed. night. I kept meaning to tell you how much I appreciated it but forgot! You really spoke to me. Anyway, thanks.